Traditional learning for exams like the IIT-JEE and BITSAT might help candidates prepare the right way. But irrespective of the mode of coaching, or even if big names in the field of coaching for competitive exams are chosen, ultimately it is self-study that helps a candidate do well and succeed in any given examination.
Travelling and attending classes on a regular basis might consume a significant portion of a student’s time, affecting his attention span and concentration levels. This is where online coaching steps in, aiming to make student’s learning experience better. Online coaching, apart from being convenient, helps students study and practice at their own pace.
A lot of students who attend offline coaching for competitive exams in engineering and medical find competition there to be very overwhelming. Additionally, high standards are set in such institutes to pressurize and make them perform, which in most of the cases ruins their health and mental peace.
Based on their experiences, following points should be kept in the mind of future JEE Main and Advanced aspirants before they begin their preparation:
- Irrespective of the mode of coaching one chooses, however big the name maybe, self-study is the only way to emerge successful.
- It is always not possible to get the best of faculty while attending offline coaching, while on an online platform, you can view lectures and get in touch with the best of the experts.
- Preparing at home is always comfortable than travelling to the coaching centers. Even when best of the coaching and preparation is guaranteed, the support provided by family members is something that cannot be compromised upon.
- While attending coaching offline, concentration levels should always be maintained. Online coaching offers the flexibility of listening to lectures at one’s convenience. Candidates with a limited period might find this more convenient.
- Apart from the convenience of flexible learning, online coaching also offers benefits like doubt resolution, tracking one’s level of preparation and analytical insights based on performance in mock tests and sample papers.
Online Learning courses consist of the following features to make students exam-ready:
- Concept Based Videos
- Sample Tests and Practice Tests
- Section-wise analytical insights to improve upon performance
- Tools to help track preparation and predict scores
A few other benefits of taking up online coaching for exams like JEE Main, JEE Advanced and BITSAT are discussed as below:
Taking exams in a real-time environment
A lot of exams are going increasingly online and candidates practicing in an online mode resembling actual exam-like conditions, would be in a better position to attempt them. Students from remote areas, for whom attending offline coaching never seems feasible, online coaching would help them prepare for IIT-JEE better.
Detailed Analytical Insights to improve performance
Through online learning it is also possible for students to analyse their performance actively based on various subjects, topics and sub-topics to help candidates optimize their preparation in a specific direction.
Intelligent tools to optimize exam preparation
Online preparation portals offer a variety of tools to track the percentage of exam readiness for a competitive examination, predict scores and ranks based on student’s exam attempts and analytical insights on student performance of a mock or concept test on the website.
These tools are designed to save time and effort of the student and help him/her prepare smart for any competitive examination. Offline coaching might help candidates get familiar with the syllabus, but online coaching helps get a detailed understanding about conceptual understanding and the overall exam pattern.
Managing time got a little easy
Time Management becomes simpler when a candidate enrols for online coaching, as apart from 4-5 hours devoted for online coaching, 3-4 hours of practice would be required to be devoted in studying relevant concepts.
With the future course of Indian education determined entirely by online learning, owing to its reach traversing geographical boundaries to offer quality mentoring, nothing can come in the way of its exponential growth. With learning available on a student’s fingertips at his own pace and convenience crafted to maximize learning outcomes, every student is expected to make use of it in their best interest and to come out of every competitive exam with flying colours.