WBPSC Admit Card will be released on January 27, 2020

As per the official notification of the West Bengal Public Service Commission (WBPSC), the admit cards of the eligible candidates for the West Bengal Civil Service Preliminary Exam are to be released on January 27, 2020. The prescribed exam is scheduled to be held on February 9, 2020, between 1200 hours and 1430 hours. The exam centers will be spread across the Kolkata state. The candidates must check their respective centers and arrive at the exam hall on time. The applicants have to visit the official websites of the Commission, wbpsc.gov.in and www.pscwbapplication.in, for checking and downloading their respective results from January 27, 2020 until February 1, 2020. Though, from 1st February onwards, they can access their admit cards only from the wbpsc.gov.in website. Note that the candidates do not have permission to carry mobile phones, calculators, and other gadgets in the exam hall. Further, they have to carry their Admit Card to the exam hall. Here, the examiners will check the Admit Card to ascertain the identity of the candidates. If the candidate fails to produce his/her Admit Card, they cannot give the exam. Moreover, they are required to check if all the details in the Admit Card are correct or not. The Admit Card contains details like name and roll number of the candidate, exam date and venue, among others. Upon noticing any discrepancies, they should contact the stipulated centers for the necessary corrections. For getting the latest updates, the applicants must visit the official websites of the Commission regularly.

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